Alligator Datacosimmr::cladocera_data
Cladocera data from Galloway et al 2015.cosimmr::geese_data
Geese stable isotope mixing data setcosimmr::geese_data_day1
A smaller version of the Geese stable isotope mixing data setcosimmr::iso_data
Isopod Datacosimmr::simmr_data_1
A simple fake stable isotope mixing data setcosimmr::simmr_data_2
A 3-isotope fake stable isotope mixing data setcosimmr::square_data
An artificial data set used to indicate effect of priorssimmr::geese_data
Geese stable isotope mixing data setsimmr::geese_data_day1
A smaller version of the Geese stable isotope mixing data setsimmr::simmr_data_1
A simple fake stable isotope mixing data setsimmr::simmr_data_2
A 3-isotope fake stable isotope mixing data setsimmr::square_data
An artificial data set used to indicate effect of priors